El Cucuy
Solo Guitar
2010 / 2015
Performed by Angelo Favis
October 28, 2016
Manila, Philippines
October 21, 2016
Jakarta, Indonesia
September 24, 2016
Louisiana Tech University
Premiere performance by Daniel Shearouse
October 2010
Accidental Music Festival, Orlando, FL
Duérmete mi niño, duérmete ya...
Que viene el Coco y te comerá.
~JuanCaxés- 17thcentury
El Cucuy (el Coco) is a Spanish and Latin American legend much like the “boogeyman,” conjured by parents to scare children into behaving. According to the myth, when el Cucuy spies a disobedient child, he comes in the night to kidnap and eat him or her.
As adults, we easily forget how terrifying the world can be to a child. In this piece, themes representing the grotesque and monstrous confront themes representing the tender innocence of a sleepy child. Perhaps el Cucuy is not so bad after all. Or perhaps...